Matters of the Heart

Sometimes learning things the hard way is inevitable. Especially when all the wrong elements are at play. Cheating, jealousy, lies and half-truths are those elements. With no trust, no concrete foundation of truth, a relationship is bound to fail.When you can't trust, everything will fall apart.However, the naive person believes in everything he wants to believe... Continue Reading →

On Inspiration

It’s amazing that in life, you get to meet people who have had their fill of living, people who yearn to taste true living and people who try to live each day as something worth writing about. People get inspired by different things because there are no two people in this world who are the same. I... Continue Reading →

Walking away

I had to see for myself. A year from the break-up. My cousins were right. Seeing my ex-boyfriend happy with his girlfriend was the start of me moving on. When I saw his face, I suddenly realized that I have never made him that happy when we were together. It's time to really walk away.... Continue Reading →

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