One OK Rock

Today, I just want to share how I admire this Japanese rock band. They are called One OK Rock a.k.a 10969. Composed of four members, they had been the fire to my rain. Seriously, their albums are so good and their music is lit! Although I rediscovered BTS before them, OOR soon came after. I... Continue Reading →

Hello, World!

So I'm here! I'm back! Honestly, been so busy. Work, life and all that. I also want to try the Anchor feature here. Honestly, I just want my stories to come alive but I don't want to do the voice over. So who can recommend free AI generated voice over? I need it. Badly.


The cheers echoed in the reception hall when Kim Namjoon and his new husband Taehyung shared their first kiss as husbands. Jimin slipped away before he could register the smiles the two men exchanged. He walked past everyone and hailed a cab. He got in and gave an address. The city sped by while Jimin... Continue Reading →

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