The Guy Friend Phenomenon

When someone gets to be placed in the “friend zone”, they seem to think it’s a bad thing. I, for one, think otherwise.

I’m proud to say that some of my true friends are guys. They teach me great lessons in life and in love. They are brutally honest, are not afraid to mince words and call me out when I’m making a fool out of myself or I’m about to do something stupid.

This is pretty much what my girl BFFs do as well. However, women friends can be cautious and tactful. The men, not so much.

I’m lucky enough to have met guys whom I was attracted to at first, but somehow, a friendship blossomed that surpassed those feelings. In my youth, I acted on some of them and lost the friendship but after a few scrapes, it seemed wiser to simply become friends and the rewards are priceless.

I have several guy friends that I can consider friends for life. They are amazing men who eventually married and started their own families. They are successful in varying degrees in their chosen careers and are pretty much the salt of the earth. What makes them a blessing is when we do meet or get together, they continue to look out for me and care for me like they would for a sibling.

Not many people can truly get our relationship. Some still raise their eyebrows or even press imaginary issues of what ifs and why nots. Surprisingly, we can take it in stride and move on with life as it is.

Here’s a video on how truly rewarding it is to nurture a friendship with the opposite sex.

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